
Our virtues are flexibility and openness to the needs of our Clients.

  • The Legal Office has appropriate experience in providing legal service at every stage of investment development, starting with the feasibility study, actions connected with finding adequate localization and purchasing the real estate, through all the necessary administrative procedures, all contracts connected with the preparation and realization of an investment, ending with the final settlement and execution of obligations as well as financial claims.

    We acquired our experience by attending to prestigious investments worth many millions zloty all across the country, and also by solving legal problems which have arisen in the course of minor investments. The Legal Office provides legal services taking into account the personalized characteristics of every Client that result from their position in the investment: we provide services for Investors (including Public Investors), Designers, Supervision Inspectors/Engineers, General Contractors and Subcontractors.

    Our Clients especially value the permanent legal support for investments, in the course of which our lawyers are able to learn ‘the in’s and out’s’ of the case. This enables us to protect the legal and the financial interest of our Clients as early as possible. Prevention is better than cure. The Legal Office also provides legal services connected with the real estate market, including the establishment and the regulation of the legal status of real estates and the enforcement of relevant claims.

  • We assist our Clients in proceedings before administrative bodies of the first and the second instance by preparing appeals and grievances against administrative decisions and resolutions, as well as by filing complaints in administrative courts.

    We have experience (both as an administrative body and as a party) in managing proceedings concerning: real estate management, construction law, town planning, environmental protection, waste disposition and many others.

  • For many years the Legal Office has provided its services to local government units and other public finances sector units both permanently and ad hoc.

    Being aware of the limitations arising from the characteristics of those entities, we always try to find legal solutions that are consistent with the law and in line with the expectations of our Clients.

    In the course of the ad hoc legal services we prepare complex, detailed and exhaustive legal opinions, which analyze submitted issues with regard to specific acts provisions and the rules of interpretations entailed by systemic acts.

    Within the framework of our legal service we also provide legal representation before the Supreme Court, common courts of law and administrative courts. We represent or assist our Clients in the course of proceedings before supervisory and audit bodies, as well as during proceedings of liability for violation of discipline of public finances.

  • We advise our Clients on choosing the most adequate form of conducting their economic activity and we help in its formation. We offer legal support in current issues connected with economic activity by preparing contracts, legal opinions and participating in negotiations.

    We are widely experienced in the quick and efficient formation of commercial companies. We assist in the preparation of all the documents which are necessary for a company to be founded and registered in a register court.

    We provide complex legal support for assemblies, by participating in the preparation of resolutions and other documents.

    In the event of potential takeover of a company, we carry out the relevant legal audit of an entity, which is to be taken over or is to take part in a fusion.

  • Civil law regulates all human activities beginning at the moment of birth, or, as it is in the case of entrepreneurs, from the moment of their establishment. We provide legal support concerning all of the branches of civil law, including among others: the protection of the personal interests, compensations, the inheritance law, the preparation of drafts of sales agreements, contracts of mandate, construction contracts, loan contracts, and others.

    Since the security of our Clients is our priority, we often assist the negotiations which precede the conclusion of contracts.

  • We are widely experienced as far as labour law is concerned. We provide legal support both to entrepreneurs (employers) and to natural persons.

    We offer legal support concerning the preparation of interior labour law acts (work regulations, remuneration regulations, and others), the preparation of labour law contracts, advisory services concerning the termination of contracts with the employees, or legal representation before the courts.

    We also provide advice to natural persons who bring up claims resulting from the employment relationship, prepare appeals to the labour court, we handle cases of unlawful termination of employment contracts with or without notice.

    We are also experienced in handling collective labour disputes.

  • Our experience in the domain of public procurement law is vast both as appearing on the behalf of the contracting authority and of the tenderer.

    We assist the entities obliged to act according to the public procurement law by helping them to choose the suitable type of procurement and to prepare the documentation necessary to conduct the legal proceeding aiming at awarding of procurement contracts.

    Entrepreneurs soliciting to be awarded procurement contracts are being advised on how to prepare a tender, ask a question to the contracting authority or how to make an appeal.

    We are experienced in the domain of legal representation in legal proceedings before the National Appeal Chamber.

  • Litigations are indispensable while conducting an economy activity, therefore, we offer legal support concerning legal representation in civil cases, economic cases, labour cases, cases before the courts of the first and second instance, and before the Supreme Court.

    In order to present one’s arguments effectively and appropriately before the court and to be capable of handling the legal proceedings it is indispensable to benefit from the support of a professional lawyer.

    We apply similar procedures in order to represent our Clients’ affairs in conciliation (arbitration) legal proceedings before the courts of conciliation.

    We are widely experienced as far as the judicial assurance of the security of claims referring to the case, or the protection of our Clients against such assurances is concerned. In 2013 alone, we achieved such assurances (or protected our Clients against them) at the scale of tens of millions zlotys.

  • We provide legal support concerning vindication. We carry out the negotiations with the debtor on the behalf of our Clients and we try to arrive at the vindication without the need of appealing to the court. If the vindication taken up by our team does not give the desired effect, the case is being referred to the court and further to the debt collector. We establish the assets of the debtor, and if he does not have them, we verify whether it is possible that he had disposed of his assets. We have successfully conducted numerous proceedings based on actio pauliana which have resulted in satisfying our Clients’ claims.

  • We provide legal support in cases concerning the legalization of the residence for foreigners who are not citizens of the European Union and are staying on the territory of Poland. We have a wide experience in this domain and we also provide support for the foreigners who want to obtain the residence permit and the work permit.

    These services are also being provided for entrepreneurs who want to employ or do employ (the extension of the residence permit in Poland and the extension of the work permit) foreigners who are not citizens of the European Union.

  • The services concerning bankruptcy and reorganization law we perform for our Clients mainly consist in representing their affairs during legal proceedings before the bankruptcy and reorganization courts. Accordingly, we file claims on the behalf of our Clients, we prepare files for declaring bankruptcy, and the like. The Legal Office also performs services concerning the possibility of the partial or entire accession to the assets of the bankrupt entity, or concerning the retrieval of the unpaid receivables which have arisen due to the inexecution of the arrangement.

  • We provide legal support in cases concerning the solicitation of European Union financing. We help to understand the application procedures and we provide our assistance as far as appeals from unfavorable decisions taken by intermediate bodies are concerned.


Our virtues are flexibility and openness to the needs of our Clients. The Clients choose the form of their cooperation with the Legal Office which suits them best. Depending on the needs of our Clients, we offer complex legal service based on a permanent cooperation agreement or immediate help based on an agreement concerning the execution of the task at hand.

We not only settle our accounts by means of flat rates or depending on the time spent on the case, but also we apply mixed systems in that matter.

Our services are being carried out according to the wish of our Clients: either at the Legal Office, at the Client’s office, or, honoring the time of our Clients, via e-mail, without the necessity of holding meetings.